Many people feel lightheaded occasionally, so lightheaded that they may faint -- that is, pass out momentarily. Fainting is not the same as being asleep or unconscious. When a person faints, it's usually temporary and the person can be revived in a few minutes. Someone who is unconscious, however, won't respond to attempts to revive him. An unconscious person can't cough or clear his throat, which can be dangerous if something is stuck in his throat or airway.
Fainting often results when blood flow to the brain is temporarily inadequate. This can happen as a result of:
Taking certain medications
Standing for an extended period in very hot weather -- especially with locked knees -- can also make people pass out. Inactivity can cause blood to settle in the lower parts of the body, reducing the amount of blood flowing into the brain.
For example, soldiers standing at attention for long periods are prone to fainting. Certain medications can lower blood pressure to a level that will trigger fainting. People with diabetes can sometimes lose consciousness if their blood sugar levels are too high or too low.
Many people recover very quickly from a brief loss of consciousness without any harmful consequences. However, on some occasions, fainting can signal a medical emergency. Don't treat fainting as minor unless you're certain there is no serious underlying cause.
Warning signs
You may be able to tell when someone is about to faint. The warning signs include:
Pale, cool and sweaty skin
Lightheadedness or dizziness
A slow pulse
Frequent yawning
Feeling of restlessness
Tightness in the chest
When these signs appear, lying down or sitting down and putting your head between your legs is important. That's usually enough to restore adequate blood flow to the brain. If it is very hot, try to move to a cooler location.
However, loss of consciousness that lasts for more than a minute or two can be serious. Often, it is a sign of a serious medical problem, such as:
Serious blow to the head
Heart attack
Diabetic coma
Another condition
Treating someone who has fainted or lost consciousness with care is important to avoid injury. If someone remains unconscious for over a minute, get help as quickly as possible.
What to do when a victim does not regain consciousness quickly
If you suspect that the cause is excessive heat:
Move the person to a cooler place.
Lay the person on her back, elevating the legs eight to 12 inches. This will help blood flow to the brain.
Wipe her forehead with a cool, damp cloth.
Loosen any tight clothing, especially at the neck and waist.
If she is alert, give her a sports drink such as Gatorade or a glass of water with a teaspoon of salt.
Make sure there is plenty of fresh air, particularly if you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning.
Check airway, breathing and circulation.
Gently tilt the victim's head back, lifting the chin. This will help air get through the nose and mouth.
Put your ear to the person's mouth to ensure you can hear breathing. If the victim is not breathing, call 911 and begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) immediately.
If the victim vomits, roll them onto their side to prevent them from choking. Check for injuries, especially if the person has fallen. If the victim is bleeding or injured, begin appropriate first aid.
Because it is scary when someone does not quickly regain consciousness, some people panic and do the wrong thing. Remember:
Do not slap, shake or throw water on the victim.
Do not place a pillow under the head.
Do not give anything to drink. One exception may be people with diabetes. If a diabetic person's blood sugar is low, they may need to drink or eat something that will raise it immediately, such as non-diet soda or juice. If blood sugar is too high, the person will need an insulin shot. If he or she doesn't have an injection available, call for medical help. If you are unsure if the problem is high or low blood sugar, give the victim something sweet to eat or drink while you wait for help.
Do not attempt to move a person unnecessarily.
Do not try to make an unconscious person sit or stand up.
Never leave an unconscious person unattended at any time. If necessary, ask someone else to call 911.
When to call 911
When someone has fainted, call emergency services if the person:
Is not breathing
Fell from a height or is injured and bleeding
Is known to have diabetes
Is pregnant or is over 50 years old
Feels chest pain, chest pressure, or chest discomfort or has a pounding or irregular heartbeat
Stroke symptoms such as being unable to speak or having difficulty speaking, unable to move or "feel" a limb, being confused, having numbness and tingling or having blurred vision
Has convulsions, tongue trauma or loss of bowel control
Fails to regain consciousness after two minutes
What to do
While you're waiting for help, check the victim's airways, breathing and circulation.
Check for medical identification indicating a medical problem such as diabetes, epilepsy or drug allergies. Alert the emergency personnel if the person has a medical condition.
Source: HealthDay: